
Plenary Speeches

We are pleased to announce that the following professros will give a plenary speech at IWAIT2013.

Prof. Levent Onural
Bilkent University, Turkey

Title: An Overview of True 3D Techniques: Holography and Integral Imaging


The target in true 3D video is to record and re-play the volume filling, time-varying distribution of light with all its physical properties. Both holography, via principles of diffraction, and to a good degree the integral imaging, via its multiple imaging through a lenslet array, are candidate technologies to achieve this goal. A decade of research activities at Bilkent University on holographic video displays based on spatial light modulators, together with recent digital integral imaging display of holography captured data, has produces a set of promising results. A signal processing approach gives a very good understanding of diffraction, which in turn makes it easy to understand, and thus helps to harness the techniques to write ghost-like 3D objects into the air.


Levent Onural received his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from State University of New York at Buffalo in 1985; his BS and MS degrees are from METU in 1979 and 1981, respectively. He was a Fulbright scholar between 1981 and 1985. He joined the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, in 1987 where he is a full professor at present; he is also the Dean of Engineering and Head of the Graduate School of Engineering and Science at Bilkent University. His current research interests are in the area of image and video processing, with emphasis on video coding, 3DTV, holographic 3DTV and signal processing aspects of optical wave propagation. He was the coordinator of European Union funded 3DTV Project (2004-2008). He served as the co-leader of the 3D Media Cluster, which is an umbrella organization formed by many European Union funded 3D-related projects (2008-2011). He was a member of the board of European Union funded Real 3D Project (2008-2011) which focused on fundamentals of end-to-end holographic 3D imaging systems. Dr. Onural received an incentive award from TUBITAK of Turkey in 1995. He also received a Third Millennium Medal from IEEE in 2000. Dr. Onural is a fellow of IEEE. He served IEEE as the Director of IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa) in 2001-2002, as the Secretary of IEEE in 2003. He was a member of IEEE Board of Directors (2001-2003), IEEE Executive Committee (2003) and IEEE Assembly (2001-2002). He received IEEE Haraden Pratt Award, EURASIP Group Technical Achievement Award and Bilkent University Distinguished Teacher Award, all in 2011.

Prof. C.-C.Jay Kuo
University of Southern California, USA

Title: Depth-Based Visual Signal Processing


When a scene is captured by a single camera, the 3D world space is projected to a 2D image space. Although some depth information is lost in the projection process, there are still cues for human to infer the depth information. This serves as the fundamentals of 2D-to-3D video conversion technology. Automatic 2D-to-3D conversion (e.g. conversion chips in the 3DTV set) is challenging and its quality is not satisfactory. In contrast, 3D movies are often converted from their 2D counterparts using a semi-automatic approach to guarantee better quality. In the first part of the talk, I will give an overview on this topic. There is a recent trend in the use of the depth information to simplify the visual signal processing tasks such as video segmentation, object tracking, etc.. The depth information can be obtained by a depth camera, a stereo camera or depth-inference algorithms. These become hot in recent years as a result of the success of Microsoft Kinetic and the rapid development of no-driver vehicles. In the second part of the talk, I will describe these recent developments and point out future research opportunities and challenges along this direction.


Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo received the Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1987. He is now with the University of Southern California (USC). His research interests are in the areas of digital media processing, multimedia compression, communication and networking. Dr. Kuo is a Fellow of AAAS, IEEE and SPIE. He has guided 115 students to their Ph.D. degrees and supervised 23 postdoctoral research fellows. Currently, his research group at USC consists of around 30 Ph.D. students (see website http://viola.usc.edu), which is one of the largest academic research groups in multimedia technologies. He is a co-author of about 200 journal papers, 850 conference papers and 10 books. He is Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security and Editor Emeritus for the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (an Elsevier journal). He was Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation in 1997-2011. He was on the Editorial Board of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine in 2003-2004, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing in 2001-2003, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing in 1995-98 and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology in 1995-1997.
Dr. Kuo received the National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award (NYI) and Presidential Faculty Fellow (PFF) Award in 1992 and 1993, respectively. He received the best paper awards from the Multimedia Communication Technical Committee of the IEEE Communication Society in 2005, from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Fall Conference (VTC-Fall) in 2006, and from IEEE Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP) in 2006. He was an IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer in 2006, a recipient of the Okawa Foundation Research Award in 2007, the recipient of the Electronic Imaging Scientist of the Year Award in 2010, and the holder of the Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Information and Communications Technologies from 2010-2011.